

Hi and thanks for viewing my blog! As you guys have probably guessed, my name is Lynn, hence "Lynn's Ways" and this blog was created to share with you my trials and errors, tips and tricks, my loves and dislikes, on anything from make-up products, hair products, healthy foods, workout routines/tips, travels, EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that I have experienced.

This idea of a blog came to me when I realize how much time I was spending on writing reviews on, tripadvisor, yelp, etc. and realizing how so many of my friends come to me for make-up advices and tips. I also realize that I have a lot of random information, opinions, and advices that I love sharing and writing about to help others as much as I can. I'm not a professional in any way(so don't sue me for anything you disagree with) :-) I'm just Lynn sharing you "Lynn's Ways"

A little about myself...

I was born in California and moved to Seattle, WA at age 16. Although I didn't realize it at the time, moving to Seattle was probably the best life-decision my mom has ever made. I love the greens, the people, and everything about the culture here.

My entire life, I was always passionate about people (even strangers). I remember as a kid (left in the car with my older sister as my mom goes grocery shopping), I would wave to every stranger that walked by just to see them smile. This action, of course, embarrassed the hell out of my sister :-) I knew early on that my passion in life was to make a positive difference in people's lives... so of course, I majored in Computer Information System and am working as a senior IT analyst at a mobility company... hehehe... hey, I never said I majored in what I was passionate about (easy fairytale journey doesn't normally happen to me)... Although I derailed from doing what I'm truly passionate about, when I turned 30, I decided I can still do what I love on the side. For years, I was brainstorming on my other passion of health and fitness and how to share that to the world, and then I wanted to open a healthy smoothies business. Although all these are still my passion, I decided not to close myself off to one or two concept but be able to share my opinion on everything to everyone and share it in a simple blog that I hope you'll enjoy and appreciate.

Also... I Just Got Married...

So this is what "married" feels like. Feels the same but a little different. Different because for the first time I feel "as one" with someone. For the first time what's mine is his and what's his is mine. It's actually a very "at peace" feeling. I wouldn't, however, suggest just jumping into it. It HAS to feel right... not just the right thing to do, the next step you have to take, or because you're getting older.

I was engaged once to someone I dated for 6 years. I cannot rave about how sweet, loving, and nice he was. Probably every mother's dream son-in-law. After about 70% of our wedding plans completed and 6 1/2 months until our wedding date, I finally built up enough courage and guts to listen to what my guts has been telling me the whole time. He's just not the one for me. Being Asian, it's a complete embarrassment to my family to break off the engagement. Knowing my mom and how she would encourage me to think it through again and marry him, I decided to break it off and not tell anyone for weeks. Once everything was a sure thing, I told my mom.

When I think back, if I didn't make one of the most hardest decision, I wouldn't have met my husband now. I had one relationship after I broke off the engagement and then met my husband. We were inseparable from the moment we met. We didn't date long before he proposed and I said YES. Shortly after that, we got married.

Marriage use to scare me a little... not because of the "forever" or commitment and loyalty... but I was afraid to lose that "fire" for each other, not see each other, and lose the willingness to do the little sweet things for each other after marriage that I see a lot of marriages lose. Even though it's only been a month into marriage-life, I realize it really all depends on the efforts each of you are willing to put into it everyday. Get EXCITED! Be playful! Laugh! Do things together! Don't lose yourself and let yourself go! Have date nights! I still like dressing up and looking "HOT" and seeing my husband drool. With J, my image and fear of marriage disappeared. With him, I don't think we'll ever let ourselves lose love and interest in each other because we enjoy being "in love" too much.

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